Bolt-on Clamp
Fits around front sight
Compatible with all carbine models (M44, M38 and Chinese typ..
$45.99 $36.99
8 Advantages over the first gen MCK:
1. The Gen 2 MCK features a n..
$299.00 $239.99
Chrome Moly Vanadium
16" Length
1x9 Twist
A2 Flash Hider
Threaded Muzzle
5.56 X 45 m..
$449.99 $399.99
Chrome Moly Vanadium
16" Length
1x9 Twist
A2 Flash Hider
Threaded Muzzle
5.56 X 45 m..
$449.99 $399.99
16" mid-length, 1x9 twist, chrome molly barrel
flat top upper
mid length handguards
bolt and carr..
$499.99 $399.99
16" mid-length rifle kit comes with everything needed to complete a stripped lower receiver.
$649.99 $495.00
16" Pre-Ban Heavy Profile Flat Top Barrel Assembly
CARBINE Gas System
16" 1x9 t..
$450.00 $409.99
16" 1x9 twist, M4 Profile
Chrome Moly Vanadium barrel
Chambered in 5.56 Nato
Flat Top Upper..
$450.00 $409.99
Rifle kit comes with complete upper assembly head spaced and test fired, buttstock with components, ..
$599.00 $435.00
This item is a Newly Manufactured 1919 M2 Browning Tripod MIL-Spec.
It is made of Steel with a Pake..
$655.95 $635.95
Magnification: 2.5X-10X
Tube Diameter: 30 mm
Objective: 40 mm
Eye Relief: 3.3" - 4.7"
$184.99 $144.99
Reinforced Polymer Construction - Black Color
High Impact Strong A-Frame Design . Textured Back For..
$70.99 $34.99
Original military surplus
Compatible: For SKS AK
Features: Holds 10 rounds maximum / for 7.62x..
$19.99 $16.99
AR pistol buffer tube assembly kit with end plate, buffer, spring and castle nut.
$65.99 $34.99
AR pistol buffer tube assembly kit with end plate, buffer, spring , castle nut and shoulder plate.
$85.99 $59.99
Consists of 2 Identical Pieces for Quick and Direct Replacement of Mid Length Model Handguard
$69.99 $55.99